Copyright © PSALMUS HUMANUS Association for Arts Education, 2002–2024.


Association for Arts Education

Supporting by:

Updated: 20 Sept 2024.

Ministry of
Human Capacities


Academy of Arts



PSALMUS HUMANUS Integrated Arts Education Programme
and Consultation Centre


Edited by Katalin K. UDVARI

Published by Psalmus Humanus Association for Arts Education, 2008.

Price: HUF 2800 (104 pages, paperback)


Order via email with Subject: PSALMUS HUMANUS Consultation Centre book, 2008






"…I am particularly pleased to recommend to the attention of the reader the present publication of the Psalmus Humanus Association. The Secretariat of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO is committed to the objectives represented by the Psalmus Humanus Association and supports its extraordinarily valuable work. The activities accomplished by the association are concrete as well as effective steps towards the realization of the objectives specified in the founding documents of UNESCO, particularly in context of the Quality Education and Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage."

(Mr. Péter Gresiczki, former Secretary General of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO)


PSALMUS HUMANUS Integrated Arts Education Programme and Consultation Centre

"The pedagogic studios under the coordination of the Association are exemplary for the symbiosis of education and culture. Beyond positives effects on the Hungarian society, substantial international advancements are to be expected from the proposed conjoint cross-border art pedagogical cooperation programmes.

The cooperation would mutually support and encourage the further enhancement of human resources within the participating countries. The Hungarian UNESCO Commission considers it as extremely important to reinforce such civil initiatives serving common welfare based on genuine values. They are increasingly necessary considering the dubious side-effects of globalisation in contemporary societies.

I am convinced that the Psalmus Humanus Association and this publication in particular will contribute to success of recent civil efforts for preserving commonly accepted Hungarian cultural and artistic values."

(Mr. Péter Gresiczki)





DVD (60 minutes)

Published by Psalmus Humanus Association for Arts Education, 2006.

Price: HUF 6 000





The film was made by the Psalmus Humanus Association for Arts Education, on the 125th anniversary of Zoltán Kodály's birth.


Sponsored by UNESCO and the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, Psalmus Humanus Association trust that the educational models shown in this film, combining tradition and innovation, will draw attention to the scientifically proven significance of arts education, and to the multiple opportunities in school teaching.


The following arts workshops and methods are presented in the film:

(Please click on the programme names)


Preface – Katalin K. Udvari


1. Kindergarten education


2. Teaching Singing within a Primary School


3. Teaching Singing within a Music Primary School


4. Teaching Folk Dance in a Music Primary School


5. Church Music Education in Hungary in 21st century

Educational experiences in the Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis (SchCB)


6. Using Computers in Music Education


7. The Care of Musical Work Capacity ‒ Kovács Method


8. Children's Concerts and Expectant Mothers

For socially and culturally disadvantaged children


9. Afternoon, Freetime Artistic Activities for Children
from Disadvantaged Cultural and Social Environmentss

For the physically handicapped and injured children


10. Music education for Blind and Partially Sighted Children


11. Music Education for Motor Disabled Children


12. Music Education Mentally Challenged Children


Written by Katalin K. Udvari

Directed by Zsuzsa Dr. Pásztor

Edited by Zoltán Lőrinczy

Camera: Gyula Velez, Flórián Góczán, György Gadányi

Photos: György Gadányi, János Dr. Kökény

Logo by András Simon