Copyright © PSALMUS HUMANUS Association for Arts Education, 2002–2024.


Association for Arts Education

Supporting by:

Updated: 20 Sept 2024.

Ministry of
Human Capacities


Academy of Arts

About our Association

Music belongs to everyone! But how can we make it so?

Zoltán Kodály  (1882–1967)

OUR ASSOCIATION was officially founded in spring 2002 (the name was chosen after the title of a poem by a Hungarian Nobel-prize winner scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi, called Psalmus Humanus). Since February 2007 the Association has become an NGO member of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.


OUR MAIN OBJECTIVE is to cultivate Zoltán Kodály's art education heritage and give assistance to the theoretical and practical elaboration of both educational initiatives and research, as well as to summarize and publish the results and help public education to benefit from these experiences.


OUR MEMBERS are highly-qualified, practicing educationalists who through their work represent the broad spectrum of arts education from the kindergarten to university.


OUR INTEGRATED ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAM is built on the fifty-year traditions of Hungarian educational system and the most recent scientific researches. The various arts workshops provide an opportunity for the participants a pleasurable artistic activity, regardless of their cultural or social environment or their health.




Address: 41. Amerikai út, H-1145 Budapest, Hungary



Mrs. Katalin K. Udvari

music teacher,

Founder and Principal
of the Association